VertiMax (The worlds leading strength and speed training):
IN THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR SPORT, WE SPEAK THE INTL LANGUAGE OF SPEED Great 1st step quickness, vertical leap performance and explosive kicking power is the ultimate hat trick. VertiMax training technology enhances your fast twitch muscle performance through an advance resistance training design that allows you to train how you play. Develop the quickness, strength and speed that will help you dominate the pitch from the kickoff to the final whistle.
From The International Superstar Pro To The Youth Athletes, VertiMax Develops Game Breaking Abilities In Improving Speed, Acceleration, And The Vertical Jump. One of the most successful coaching records in the history of athletics. Under Dorrance’s leadership, the Tar Heels have won 21 of the 31 NCAA Women’s Soccer Championships.
VERTICAL JUMPVertiMax is the most effective Vertical Jump Training System because it is able to maximize both explosive leg power and arm swing velocity to maximize the vertical lift component leading to superior vertical jump performance gains.
VertiMax’s ability to maximize vertical leap performance which is a measure of explosive leg power will transfer to significant gains in other critical sports performance parameters such as first step quickness and overall speed.
VertiMax will radically improve 40 yard dash times and sport specific speed in any direction to give you the speed advantage on any field of play that will separate you from the competition.
Vertimax speed training system and methodology that is light years ahead of the competition.
VertiMax’s ability to dynamically and simultaneously load multiple points on the human body can deliver superior strength and conditioning benefits for athletics, everyday life activities and rehabilitation purposes. In comparison, traditional exercise machines restrict movements to a single plane of motion, which is an unnatural form of movement for the body and may potentially lead to faulty movement patterns or injury.
Who trains with VertiMax:
IN THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR SPORT, WE SPEAK THE INTL LANGUAGE OF SPEED Great 1st step quickness, vertical leap performance and explosive kicking power is the ultimate hat trick. VertiMax training technology enhances your fast twitch muscle performance through an advance resistance training design that allows you to train how you play. Develop the quickness, strength and speed that will help you dominate the pitch from the kickoff to the final whistle.
From The International Superstar Pro To The Youth Athletes, VertiMax Develops Game Breaking Abilities In Improving Speed, Acceleration, And The Vertical Jump. One of the most successful coaching records in the history of athletics. Under Dorrance’s leadership, the Tar Heels have won 21 of the 31 NCAA Women’s Soccer Championships.
VERTICAL JUMPVertiMax is the most effective Vertical Jump Training System because it is able to maximize both explosive leg power and arm swing velocity to maximize the vertical lift component leading to superior vertical jump performance gains.
VertiMax’s ability to maximize vertical leap performance which is a measure of explosive leg power will transfer to significant gains in other critical sports performance parameters such as first step quickness and overall speed.
VertiMax will radically improve 40 yard dash times and sport specific speed in any direction to give you the speed advantage on any field of play that will separate you from the competition.
Vertimax speed training system and methodology that is light years ahead of the competition.
VertiMax’s ability to dynamically and simultaneously load multiple points on the human body can deliver superior strength and conditioning benefits for athletics, everyday life activities and rehabilitation purposes. In comparison, traditional exercise machines restrict movements to a single plane of motion, which is an unnatural form of movement for the body and may potentially lead to faulty movement patterns or injury.
Who trains with VertiMax:
- 40% of professional teams
- 80% of D1 colleges and universities
- 1,000's of high school and nationwide